In SAP, standard SAP SD Sales Document types are available for recording Inquiry, Quotation, Contract, Scheduling Agreement, Sales Order, Delivery Document and Billing Document. Each document type has its own functionality and business logic.
There are different types of sales documents that can be defined in a SAP system.
These include −
- Credit Memo
- Debit Memo
- Standard Order
- Delivery Returns, etc.
To define a Sales Document − Enter T-Code: VOV8 or SPRO → IMG → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales Document → Sales Document Header → Define Sales Document Type.
A new window will open, go to New entries.
Then you can enter the mandatory fields in this new window.
Click the save icon at the top.
An item category is used to define if an item is suitable for billing or pricing. It defines the additional control functions for a sales document.
Example − A standard item function is totally different from the function of a free of
charge item or a text item.
As per the sales document type, you can define different types of item categories. If required, you can also modify the existing item categories or can also define new item categories. An item category can be defined on the basis of the following questions
General Data Control Elements
- An item refers to a material or a text item?
- Whether pricing has to be carried out for an item?
- Are schedule lines allowed for an item?
- When the item has to be considered as completed?
- If an item cannot be fully delivered, a message will appear in the system or not?
- Which partner functions are allowed for an item?
- Which output is allowed for business transactions?
Shipping Data Control Elements
- Is the volume and weight of an item determined?
- Whether this Item is relevant for a delivery or not?
Billing Data Control Elements
- Is the item suitable for billing?
- Should the cost of this item be determined?
- Is it a return item?
- Whether it is a statistical item?
Categorization |
Description of an Item |
Standard Item |
Individual Purchase Order |
Third Party Item |
Service |
Free of charge item |
Text item |
Inquiry item |
Quotation item |
To create an Item − T-Code: VOV4
The list of all existing items will be displayed. Then you can click on New Entries to create a new item.
A new window will now open, then you can enter the below details −
Sales Document Type → Item → Item Category (This will be default as per the Sales Document Type. You can change it with a manual item category.) → Manual item category (You can use manual item category in place of default item category)
Once all the details are mentioned, click on the save icon.
In a sales document, items are divided into one or more schedule lines. These lines vary as per the date and quantity. You can define multiple control elements for these schedule lines. Items with schedule lines are only copied to the SAP system. These schedule lines contain important information like delivery dates and quantity, available inventory, etc.
You can define different schedule line categories as per the sales document type and item category. The various control elements related to general data and shipping data are used for categorizing schedule lines. You can also define new schedule lines and the system administrator manages data related to control elements.
General Data Control Elements
- If an availability check is carried out in system?
- Is it a schedule line for a return item?
- Whether a customer request is posted to purchase department?
Shipping Data Control Elements
- If a delivery block is set automatically for a defined schedule line?
- Is the schedule line relevant for delivery?
The categorization of schedule line majorly varies as per the item category of a corresponding item and the material requirement planning MRP. This is defined in the material master record. The categories for a schedule line are defined automatically as per their values in the corresponding table. In case if it is required, you can do some manual changes to the values in the sales document, but can’t change all the values.
How to Define Schedule Line Categories?
It can be defined in the following ways −
- You can copy an existing schedule line category and make changes as per the requirement.
- Changes can be made to the existing schedule line category.
- Creation of a new schedule line category.
Schedule Line Categories in different sales document
Inquiry −
- No delivery of an item.
- No availability check.
- Information purpose.
Quotation −
- No Delivery.
- No Movement.
Order −
Return −
- Schedule line is suitable for delivery.
- Movement Type 601.
- Schedule line is suitable for delivery.
- Movement Type 651.
Defining a Schedule line Category −
T-Code: VOV6
A new window will open, then you can click on New Entries.
Once the details are entered, then click on the save icon at the top.
Copy Control is defined as a process in which important transactions in a sales document are copied from one document to other. It consists of routines, which determine the system on how the data is to be copied from a source document to a target document. A SAP system contains a number of these routines and you can also create additional routines to meet the business requirements. To create a new routine, you can use an existing sales document as a reference.
How to find Copy Controls in SAP system?
These controls are created and configured under IMG and can be found at the following menu path −
- SPRO → IMG → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Maintain copy control for sales documents.
- SPRO → IMG → Sales and Distribution → Shipping → Specify copy control for deliveries.
- SPRO → IMG → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Billing Documents
→ Maintain copy control for billing.
You can also use the following T-Codes to find copy controls in a system −
- VTAA − This control is used for copying from sales order to sales order
- VTLA − This control is used control for copying from sales order to delivery
- VTFL − This control is used control for copying from delivery to billing doc
- VTFF − This control is used control for copying from billing doc to billing doc
- VTAF − This control is used control for copying from billing doc to sales order
- VTFA − This control is used control for copying from sales order to billing doc
How Copy Controls work in SAP system?
You can setup Copy controls in a system at three different levels in a Sales Order −
- Header level.
- Item level.
- Schedule line level (Only relevant, when you copy from a sales order to sales order or from billing doc to sales order).
The Header Copy Control routine is required when you copy data from header of a source document to the header of a target document.
T-Code: VTLA to check copy control between sales order and delivery.
You can check the source of a routing by selecting the routine and press F4. To open it in the ABAP editor, you can press F5. Copy controls for an item can be checked by a double click on the item folder and choosing an item category and then clicking on the Display view item overview screen. You can then use the F1 key to find out how each routine is employed. The target documents will be assigned an updated reference status in the copied item.
The following types of status can be possible for an item −
- Not relevant − it tells if an item is not relevant for copying.
- Not referenced − it tells an item has not been copied.
- Partially referenced − it tells if an item quantity is fully copied.
- Fully referenced − It tells if an entire item quantity has been copied or
not and an item cannot be referenced further.
You can also display reference status for a copy control −
Select the Header → Status for the status of the entire document. This field is used − Field VBUK-RFSTK.
Select an Item → To find the status of the line item. This field is used − VBUP-RFSTA.
You can also define a sales activity or a sales document as incomplete. How the system behaves when you create such document in system is shown below.
The following entries can be made to the system for incomplete data −
- Header Data of a Sales document
- Item Data of a Sales Document
- Schedule Line Data of Sales Document
- Sales Activity Data
- Partner Data
- Delivery Header Data
- Delivery Item Data
Use T-Code: OVA2 or the below menu path to display the incomplete group −
SPRO → IMG → Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions → log of incomplete item → Define Incompleteness Procedure → Execute
A new window will now open and you can check the list of this incomplete group.
To assign incompletion procedures to each document type. You can use T-Code: VUA2 or SPRO → IMG → Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions → log of incomplete item → Assign Incompleteness procedure.
Then a new window will open. Please select Assign procedures to Sales Document Type.
You can now view document configuration using a VOV8, but it can only be changed here. If you don’t want to populate a procedure cos of an incomplete field, you can select IC check box.
Important T-Codes to be used for this
- OVA2 − To define incompletion procedure.
- VUA4 − To assign incompletion procedure to delivery type.
- VUPA − To assign incompletion procedure to Partner functions.
- VUC2 − To assign incompletion procedure to Sales Activities.
- OVA0 − To define Status groups.
- VUA2 − To assign incompletion procedure to Sales Document Header.
- V.02 − Execute to get a checklist of incomplete sales orders.
- VUA2 − To set a warning or error message on document save.
- VUP2 − To assign incompletion procedure to Sales item category.
- VUE2 − To assign incompletion procedure to Schedule line category.
Key tables to check Incompletion Logs
- VBUV − Incompletion log - Sales documents
- VBUK − Header incompletion
- TVUVG − Groups
- V50UC − Incompletion log − Deliveries
- V50UC_USER − Incompletion log − Deliveries − Enhancements
- TVUV − Procedures
- TVUVF − Fields
- TVUVS − Status groups
- VBUP − Item incompletion
- TVUVFC − Fcodes
- FMII1 − Funds Management Account Assignment Data
- Pricing in Sales and Distribution is used to define the calculation of prices for external vendors or customers and cost. This condition is defined as a set of conditions when a price is calculated.
Consider a case when customer orders specific quantity of a product on a particular day. Various factors like customer, product, order quantity and date tells the final price to that customer. This information is stored in the system as master data in the form of condition records.
There are various pricing elements like prices, surcharges, discounts, and taxes, which are defined in SAP system as condition types. To manage pricing information for a pricing element in a system, you have to create condition records.
Manual Pricing
While processing a sales order, you can also manipulate the pricing at the item as well as the header level. Manual processing of a price screen is dependent on individual condition types. During a Sales Order processing using manual processing for a condition type, you can perform the below activities −
- Deleting the pricing element.
- Changing a condition amount.
- Entering additional pricing elements.
How to add Pricing elements manually?
If you want to add customer discount manually in the pricing screen of a sales order, click on Add line. In Data screen, you can enter additional conditions like – customer discount in the condition type field. Enter a percentage range and then press ENTER. You can also delete pricing elements in item pricing and header screens. To do this, select the particular condition by positioning the cursor and click on delete line.
Note that all header conditions defined at header level cannot be changed at the item level, and conditions defined at this level cannot be changed at the header level. Only the Conditions that you define at both header and item conditions can only be edited at both levels.
A Condition table is defined as a combination of keys to identify an individual condition record. A condition record is defined as how system stores the specific condition.
Example of a Condition Record − Entering the price of a product or to specify the
discount for a privileged customer.
Example of a Condition Table − Condition records for a customer specific material prices are stored by a sales department. SAP system contains a conditional table 005 for this purpose. Key of table 005 includes the following field −
- Customer
- Material
- Sales Organization
- Distribution Channel
- In the first two fields, the customer and material determines the relationship between customers and specific materials. The last two fields are used to identify organization data in a SAP system. Now, if sales department in an organization enters a condition record for discount to one privileged customer, the system will automatically make use of the condition table 005 to store the record and define a key. Any standard SAP system contains predefined condition tables and specifies for each access in a predefined access sequence.
Creating Condition Tables
In a SAP system, you can create or change existing condition tables. As per the new business requirement in an organization, you can create new condition tables.
Go to SPRO → IMG → Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions → Pricing → Pricing Control → Define Conditional Tables
A new window will open and then you can select from create, change or display field as per the requirement. To create a new table, you have to select create and click on Choose.
Enter condition table in table field and then you can enter the existing table to copy the condition.
Once data is copied, you can modify the table as per the business requirement.
Condition type is defined as specific features of daily pricing activities in a SAP system. Using the condition type, you can also put different condition types for each pricing, discounts on goods, tax and surcharge that occurs in business transactions.
Condition type allows you to define the discount for special material. This can be specified in the system to calculate discount as an amount or it can calculate discount in terms of percentage. In case you have to use both discount types, two separate condition types have to be defined in the system.
There are predefined condition types in a standard system −
How to create or change an existing condition type in a system?
You can change or maintain existing condition type in a standard system. You can also create a new condition types as per business requirements in your organization.
Go to SPRO → IMG → Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions → Pricing → Pricing Control → Define Condition Types
A new window will open. Select maintain and then change as per the requirement and click on Choose.
Once you select Maintain Condition Types and click on Choose, a new window will open. Select a condition type and click on copy.
Enter the name of condition type. Fill the details for Control Data −
- Condition Class (A, B, D, E)
- Condition Type (A-Percentage, B- Amount, C, G)
- Condition Category (Cost, Price, etc.)
- Rounding rule (Commercial, round up, round down)
- Structure Condition
Group Condition data
Changes which can be made
Master Data Section
Scale and Control Data 2 section
Once all the details are entered, click on the save icon at the top.
This is the search strategy, which is used by the system to find valid data for a particular condition type. It tells about the order in which a system searches for the data. An access sequence consists of one or more access sequences. It helps the system to search first, second and so on until it finds a valid record. An access sequence is defined for each condition type where a condition record is created.
You can create or maintain access sequence in customizing −
Go to SPRO → IMG → Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions → Pricing → Pricing Control → Define Access Sequences.
Determine Pricing by item Category
It is not necessary that all the items are suitable for pricing or not. If an item is not relevant for pricing, then line item will be blank for that item. An Item category is used to control the pricing of an item.
Billing Item Categories
- An item is suitable for billing?
- Cost of item should be determined?
- Is it a return item?
- Whether it is a statistical item?